Monthly Archives: January 2016


Science is so fun. I am learning about renewable and nonrenewable things that are Renewable: water air humans animals sun Nonrenewable : Coal gas oil minerals gasoline


Pitchforking is fun. You can pitchfork nouns and verbs , here is an example. My favorite subjects are, reading, writing and writing Math problems. Thats an example. πŸ™‚

A math game that you could play


Renewebel is somting that you could use over and over again. Here are some examples 1. The water cicle 2. Your clothes 3. Animals

Some examples of pitch forks

When my sister plays out side , she takes the bike,scooter and me. Know thats a pitch fork

Top 5 books

1. Crensaw
2. Ida B
3. Geronimo Stilton
4. True
5. Deth by toilet paper